What a lovely time of the year to cosy up and sit around your table, indulging in some Christmas crafts with a big mug of hot chocolate. What have you made so far?
There is this community social site where I live where people make posts about objects that they want to giveaway for free. The purpose of this community is to find a new home for things that you no longer need, rather than throwing them out. It's a nice concept and you often see people post about high chairs and clothes that their kids have out grown but are still in good condition. I have given away some clothes and toys that my daughter no longer needs and I hope the new owners are getting a good use out of them.
Recently on this community site was a post about old Jenga blocks that someone no longer wanted. They looked like something I could use for crafting so I decided to claim them. Come Christmas, I was looking to make more tree ornaments and I thought, why not use the Jenga blocks that I got! I had a lot of fun working with the Jenga blocks so maybe you would also like to give it a go?
What You'll Need
Jenga blocks (no need to buy new, have a look at thrift shops for used Jenga sets!)
Eye lag screws
Acrylic markers
Decoration items (e.g. pompoms, bells, washi tapes)
How to Make the Jenga Block Christmas Tree Ornaments
Step 1
Attach the eye lag screw to the block. You can just use your hands to screw these in as the Jenga blocks are usually very soft wood. I decided to use the plier because I had more than 70 pieces to screw in (I decided to use some for my arts and crafts workshop).

Step 2
Because most of these blocks had little doodles and scribbles made by the previous owner, I decided to add a layer of paint.

Step 3
Once you are done painting, it's time to add the details! I used acrylic markers to add the little details and decorated the blocks with googly eyes, cotton balls, pompoms, washi tapes, bells, colour paper, etc. For Rudolph's antler, I used jute strings.

I'm happy with how they turned out. I added some LED string lights and these blocks are now hanging on our living room wall. Hope you get around to making these adorble tree ornaments too. Happy crafting!